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November 19, 2008

I Love Amazon's Fernley Facility!!

Order placed 11/18 @ 11:3 am with 2 day Prime shipping:

Items shipped on November 18, 2008:
Delivery estimate: November 19, 2008
1 package via UPS

* 1 of: Sony Stamina Platinum Alkaline D Batteries (4 Pack)
Sold by: Amazon.com, LLC

I got it at 11:2 am on 11/19 here in Palo Alto.

Can you say Wow!! 1 day!

Now, with the holidays the hardworking folks at the warehouse won't be able to do this all the time, but Wow!!!

IMO, under promise and over deliver are a good way to run a business.

Good job, folks!

Posted by ljl at November 19, 2008 12:2004 PM


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