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May 12, 2009
Wanted: A New Conservative Party
OK, we know that the Republican party has become the party of religious conservatives, corporate pandering and bellicose foreign relations. No longer fiscally responsible, they say "No" to any spending or tax cut for the middle class, and "Yes" to any and all spending and tax cuts for huge corporations and the wealthy. They want to get all up in people's private business, and push their pseudo-religious agenda onto everyone by force of law, but don't want a single regulation to touch their precious corporations and how they do business with the public.
That's not a true conservative, IMO. It's a parody owned and operated by corporate and religious interests (that are often in bed together, too.)
What's a true conservative? They believe in:
- The constitution, including the Bills of Rights. Also protecting citizens from excesses in government power overruling those rights. This includes the First *and* Second Amendments. They oppose government involvement in religion as a threat to religion, and would rather see religion stripped completely from the public square than forced down anyone's throat.
- Personal responsibility and personal freedom. They don't care what you believe, or who you do things with, as long as you don't force anyone else to do it too. Want to marry someone of your own gender? Whatever, as long as you don't ban heterosexual marriage. Want to post a copy of the Ten Commandments or the words of Buddha? It'll look fine over your mantle, not in a government building.
- Fair dealing. They want to engage in honest commerce, without the deck stacked in favor of large corporations versus small companies and individuals. To have a competitive advantage, you have to have real competition. They oppose letting companies screw over individuals. They also oppose monopolies and oligarchies as being bad for business and innovation. They hate fraudulent dealing and artificial assets, and know that corporations aren't people and don't have the same rights. True success is earned, not gained by lying, cheating, and confidence games.
- Limiting government. They want the government to do what it should - handle matters that are a) in the general public interest and b) are too big or critical to be completely entrusted to private firms. Infrastructure, civic services (police, fire, ambulance), defense, education, courts, health, pensions, regulation of public lands (including air, ground and water) and regulation of public services in the public interest. For things that can be privatized, they believe in oversight, keeping the trust of the public.
- A strong defense and good foreign relations. They know that good relations and honorable actions mean that fewer of our soldiers and dollars need to be spent on war. While not shirking from battle, they don't want to start it, and would rather finish it decisively and quickly.
- A respect for the rule of law, and a distaste for personal regulation. How can you expect someone to respect the law when it doesn't respect them? They are willing to undo petty laws that create victimless crimes. They also understand that prohibition just doesn't work. Better to regulate it and tax it than let crime gangs run rampant.
- Public policy based on sound science. No relying on "studies" published by companies or interest with an agenda, but real, peer reviewed and repeatable science. They also oppose publicly funding any education based on religion or superstition. They encourage innovation as the engine of economic growth, yet understand that inhibiting cross fertilization of ideas with excessive patents, copyrights and DRM ultimately are detrimental to the evolution of new businesses.
- Rational immigration policies. They know that this nation was built by immigrants, and that an overhaul of our system needs to judge based onm merit, not color of skin or ration by country of origin. They also oppose "guest workers" of any sort because guest workers have no investment in the country. They would rather a level playing field and true competition for jobs, with the workers having as much choice as employers do.
- Environmental stewardship. They know that we didn't just inherit the Earth, we are taking care of it for our children and grandchildren. They wish to conserve our natural resources, and make the most efficient use of them.
Needless to say, this isn't the Libertarian party, which is in the process of being hijacked by the religious nuts, just like the GOP has. The Democrats, while living up to some of this, are also beholden to big business, and like to regulate personal behavior as well. Plus, they have just as selective a reading of the Bill of Rights as the Republicans do, they just omit of twist different amendments. The other third parties are either ultra leftist, are religious cults, are racists, are one trick ponies, or are just plain not based in reality.
How about calling the new conservative/moderate party the Foundation Party, because they respect the principles that were involved in the nation's founding (equality, freedom of religion and the press, opportunity, public stewardship, independence, and rebellion against corporate power backed by government arms.)
Too bad no one reads this blog...
Posted by ljl at May 12, 2009 7:5 PM
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