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August 21, 2004
I signed up for Technorati yesterday from work, and even mailed myself my login and password. Today, I can't log in.
The site takes for bloody ever to load after you've send them something (i.e. click "submit"). I figure they're running off of a one lung Mac on a slow DSL line. Sheesh! I'm not impressed, especially with the login failure crap.
Anyway, it's been well over 3 minutes, and they still haven't sent me the password reset instructions email. It should be an automatic script, and even sites in Germany have a better turn around on email request and receipt.
I think the login problem is at their end, but what the heck, I can play the game this weekend. Still, they call themselves a "business"??
Posted by ljl at 4:55 PM | Comments (1)
August 17, 2004
Blogger Con III
Well, what the hell. I've signed up for Blogger Con III. It's being held at Stanford University in Pale Alto, CA, USA on November 6 (the Saturday after the November US election), 2004 starting at 8 am. It will mean getting up downright early for me, especially on a weekend, but what the heck - I can see what the other people who write blogs, at least in my local area, look like. (Most of the signups so far are local to the SF Bay Area.) Considering the cost is $, it seems like a good deal. Of course, the organizers will accept donations, although they forgot to put a donation button on their site...
Posted by ljl at 05:23 PM | Comments ()
August 9, 2004
Happy Birthday, Dad
I called my dad at his work today to wish him a happy birthday. Found out that he and his wife are planning to move to Grass Valley in October, and work part-time by telecommute. Problem is, he's not sure he can get his computer set up correctly. He says he can barely use it for what he needs to. I offered to help him set it up, if need be. What's the point of having a sysadmin for a daughter if they can't help with your (windows, unfortunately) computer.
So he's on-track for his gradual retirement, although I can't really see him stopping work completely. He's too wrapped up in his profession. Still, like many of his generation, he has everything he needs: property, retirement income, and healthcare. Too bad I won't have that kind of setup - even when he eventually dies (in about 2 years), his wife and her kids will inherit what's left, not my sister and I. Plus, if he's smart, he will have spent most of his assets enjoying life.
At 43, I am still renting, staggering under a load of debt that keeps increasing because of usurous interest rates, and bouncing from contract to contract with a shattered illusion of potential success, waiting for yet another job to be handed to a young male, an H1b, or offshored to India. That's what I get for not picking a stable field like wastewater treatment. I had been in a somewhat stable area, environmental engineering, until I became unable to do field work, and the bottom fell out of the industry because of the Republican Contract on "with" America in the mid 9s.
Posted by ljl at 12:40 PM | Comments ()