August 09, 2003

Gee, Georgy

Everyone knows about the stupidity of the CA recall election. Since in order to have your vote counted, apparently you have to pick who you'd want as gov if the state flushes Davis.

Well, I don't like the rich celebrity jerks who are running. They all strike me as "let them eat cake" low wage republicans, regardless of the party they claim. Feh.

I want someone real, who has a real job, who wears real clothes, who lives in a real multiethnic neighborhood, and who didn't grow up with a silver spoon in their mouth.

Well, I found her. Georgy Russell - Programmer, Geek, Blogger, Linux chick (although we haven't got her into our clutches yet.) Has a real job, know about those late night deadline blues.

She also talks plain horse sense about money and power and the way that the pigopolists are ruining our state (and our country). But she doesn't call the pigopolists by that name. She calls the revolving door and brie set "rich businessmen and career politicians trading money for power and power for money". By any name, they still are destroying the ordinary working people.

So, if I have to pick, I think I'll pick Georgy. She is somebody real, like me.

Posted by ljl at August 9, 2003 10:14 PM
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